Awake in the Imagined World

Awake in the Imagined World


Dale Jacobson

ISBN: 978-1945063503

Pages: 208

Publication Date: Forthcoming

Typeface: Karmina

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 “Larry Woiwode, the late Poet Laureate of North Dakota, once remarked to me that Jacobson’s poem, A Walk by the River, was the best long poem since Thomas McGrath’s Letter to an Imaginary Friend. If the finest literature hands the reader’s humanity back to him or herself as it considers the great questions of life, then Jacobson scores on both fronts, a major accomplishment in contemporary American letters. There is no finer moment for this reader of poetry than the recognition of being in the presence of an humanity-preserving vision. Jacobson blesses, curses, enlightens, analyses, condemns, and defends the world and its inhabitants.”
—Pamela Sund, editor of the collection of commentary: Thomas McGrath: Start the Poetry Now

“I think it is a towering, major work. McGrath, Neruda, but altogether Jacobson.”
–Chris Butters, poet, coproducer, Arts Express radio show, WBAI-FM (Pacifica), New York City, on Jacobson’s long poem, Notes from the Travelogue

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